Nutrinal Phytovy


  • Eliminates waste and fat from the intestine
  • Improves the digestive and excretory system
  • Helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • Reduces the risk of colorectal cancer

Nutrinal Phytovy

A supplement that provides superior digestive support to help reduce fats, improve constipation, and smooth the bowel movements. Rich in high fibre content, it cleanses harmful toxic and detox the gastrointestinal tract, reduce fats inside the stomach and, promotes a healthy weight. A 100% natural detox beverage for your colon health to prevent colon disease.

Drink before bedtime. Detoxification will take effect in 5-8 hours.

Consume:  Dissolve 1 sachet in room temperature or cold water of 120-150ml, stir well and drink before bedtime
Contents:  15 Sachets

100%纯天然排毒饮料,含有高纤维,有助于肠蠕动和肠排毒,清除肠胃中的"有害毒素"和"脂肪"。此饮料不但能帮助控制体重,还能改善便秘, 促进肠胃和结肠的健康并预防结肠疾病,是一种美味可口的膳食健康充剂。




Additional information

Weight 330 g
Dimensions 13 × 10 × 8 cm